Weaverville Fire Department Support Services Minutes
December 7, 2016 5:30
Call to Order/ Welcome new members: Meeting called to order at 5:35.
Members present: Terri; Bonnie, Betty, Briana; Herk; Kathy; Kayla; Larry H., Lisa; Serena; Shellie; Tania; Scott; Todd; Brianna; Kayla
Visitors: Tracy; Alyssa; Alex
Approve minutes November 2, 2016 meeting: Serena motioned to approve, Larry 2nd the motion to approve minutes as submitted
Officers Report:
A. President / Logistics: Thanksgiving dinner went well. Tuesday cleaning/organizing is going well
B. Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to report.
Action Items:
A. Discussion took place over Appreciation Dinner. The appreciation dinner will be the 1st weekend in February. More calls will be made to determine a location that is affordable and can accommodate the size of the dinner.
B. Discussion took place over Valentine’s Roses. They will be ordered from Costco again. They will discuss with dept. members to determine who is available to sell on Sat. morning. The details will be finalized during the Jan. meeting.
Committee Reports:
A. EMS Support: Batteries were changed on some of the equipment. Supplies and water were rotated to make sure dates were most current and not expired.
B. Station Maintenance: Weekly work is being done on organizing and cleaning. Old spices were removed and the dorms were tidied up. The bulletin board is all cleaned up. Discussed the different areas that need to be cleaned.
C. Equipment Maintenance: Reminder to everyone to please put supplies back where they belong. Herk will work on the loose handles on 21. The other equipment is in good shape.
D. Web Technology: Is going well and is being updated regularly.
E. Marketing: Nothing to report
Open Forum and Topics for next meeting:
Discuss details on open action items. Discuss doing calendars for marketing.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:07.